Global Wage Report 2020-21: Wages and minimum wages in the time of COVID-19

2020 | Ejes de desigualdad: Publicación esencial


This ILO flagship report examines the evolution of real wages around the world, giving a unique picture of wage trends globally and by region. The 2020-21 edition analyses the relationship of minimum wages and inequality, as well as the wage impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.

Cita sugerida

ILO (International Labour Organization) (2020), “Global Wage Report 2020-21: Wages and minimum wages in the time of COVID-19”. Disponible [en línea]…

Información Adicional

Ejes de desigualdad: Socioeconómica

Temas: Ingresos, COVID-19, Desarrollo económico, Trabajo

Editor: Otras instituciones