Social programmes, poverty eradication and labour inclusion: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean

2019 | Ejes de desigualdad: Publicación esencial | Institucionalidad social: Publicación esencial

Laís Abramo, Simone Cecchini, Beatriz Morales

Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and reducing inequalities throughout the life cycle. This book offers an up-to-date analysis of these programmes and the way they relate to labour inclusion, and analyses ongoing debates regarding the possible incentives and disincentives they create in terms of the labour supply, formalization and child labour among the target population.

Cita sugerida

Abramo, L., S. Cecchini y B. Morales (2019), Social programmes, poverty eradication and labour inclusion: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean, Libros de la CEPAL, N° 155 (LC/PUB.2019/5-P), Santiago de Chile, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). Disponible [en línea]

Información Adicional

Ejes de desigualdad: Socioeconómica, Juventud

Institucionalidad social: Superación de la pobreza

Temas: Pobreza y pobreza extrema, Políticas públicas, Trabajo, Protección y seguridad social, Agenda 2030, Inserción social

Editor: CEPAL