• Territorial inequality

    Territorial inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean are yet another manifestation of the general inequality that characterizes the region. They also relate interdependently and cumulatively to economic, social and environmental inequalities.

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    Desigualdad territorial
  • Key concepts of territorial inequality

    Territory constitutes a key axis of the matrix of social inequality, by determining opportunities and socio-economic conditions and impacting the fulfilment of political, economic and social rights. As such, territory is an overarching concept in which inequalities crystalize and intersect.

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  • Introduction to territorial inequality

    Territory affects opportunities for the fulfilment of political, economic and social rights, and can be a source of discrimination. In this manner, living conditions, as well as the probability of being rich or poor, depend, among other factors, on the part of the country in which people live.

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  • Priority policies to reduce territorial inequality

    Territorial inequalities are structural in nature and require relevant and sustained policy efforts. Territorial policies identified as priorities, include proximity government, family accompaniment, citizen participation and territorial visibility through disaggregation of statistical data.

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  • COVID-19 and its impact on territorial inequality

    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic territorial inequalities have become more pronounced, thereby emphasizing the need for the authorities to act to implement measures at the different territorial scales, whether national, subnational or local, and to do so in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.

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